
Pre-School Info

Structure & Expectations 


What to bring

A named bag with a change of clothes, together with nappies and wipes, where applicable. Your child may bring a comforter if necessary. Try not to bring anything too precious, just in case it gets lost. Milk or water and a healthy snack are provided mid – session. All children are encouraged to drink from our cups rather than beakers and remain seated during this period. This allows children to build up their social skills and independence in pouring their own drink. Staff are available to offer guidance and support.

Send your child in old clothes, as things do get messy with paint and glue around (aprons are provided). Pre-school T-shirts and sweatshirts are on sale from pre-school for this purpose, and also for outings. Plimsolls or trainers are advisable as the floor can be slippery. Please name all clothing especially pre-school T – Shirts and sweatshirts.

How Pre-School is Structured

The pre-school is run by an elected committee made up of parents, who employ a Pre-school Leader, Deputy pre-school Leader and Assistants. The positions on the committee are; Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Registration Officer and general committee members. All these positions need to be filled for the pre-school to run effectively. Even if you do not hold a position on the committee, your pre-school still needs your help e.g. with fund raising. Meetings are held once a month, usually in term time, and are open to all parents/carers, whose suggestions are always welcome. The AGM is held early in the autumn term, when all the committee posts are elected. It is essential that all parents support the committee and attend the AGM. If the committee positions cannot be filled, pre-school is unable to run and will have to close.

Expectations of Pre-School

  • Come to pre-school to enjoy yourself, and make sure that everybody else does the same.
  • Care for yourself and others.
  • Listen to other people when they are talking to you.
  • Be thoughtful, and look after your work and other people’s work.
  • Share toys with others and try to wait your turn.
  • Let other children join in your games.
  • Be kind to people who have hurt themselves.
  • Tell the truth and learn to say you are sorry.
  • Treat all pre-school belongings with care.
  • Play fairly, and don’t run around and fight.


All children will be respected, and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities and the use of play equipment offer children opportunities to develop in a environment free of prejudice and discrimination. Opportunities will be given to children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others. We provide no toys which are specific for girls or boys, both sexes are free to play with any activity provided.


These will be chosen to give a child a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of the multi-racial society. Materials will be selected to help children develop their self-respect, and to respect other people by avoiding stereotypes and derogatory pictures or messages about any group of people.

A newsletter is produced every term. Anybody who would like to add something to the newsletter should contact the secretary.

Guide to EYFS

Application to Join


Fee Increase Letter

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